
Announcements & Updates > Forum Information & Rules
The National Bank Note Census Forum
Welcome to the NBNC Forum. We are experimenting with having a forum and welcome any and all constructive feedback. Many of the rules will be made up as we go along, but here are a few to start with:
  • This is a forum for National Bank Notes and National Bank related material only. Any other posts will be deleted.
  • National Bank related material will be broadly interpreted and includes but is not limited to the following National Bank items: vintage bank photos, checks, letterhead, stocks, advertisements, other printed material signed by National Bank officers, ephemera and other objects with the bank’s name printed on it.
  • Constructive feedback is always welcome and generates discussion.
  • Only NBNC members have the option to post threads or make comments. If you are a member, please go to the PREFERENCES tab (or click on your name in the upper right corner) and choose a Forum nickname for yourself.
  • Once you have chosen a nickname it can not be changed. 
Forum Layout and Access
Public Areas
  • Announcements & Updates: Read-only posts by NBNC Admin
  • Census Announcements & Updates: This is where to find the latest on what’s happening with NBNC. New program updates, major uploads, projects in progress will be posted here.
  • Forum Information & Rules: The basics about the NBNC Forum.
  • Smithsonian Institution: Text posts encouraged by members as commentary.
  • The National Currency Foundation (Exhibits): Text posts encouraged by members as commentary.
Members: Accessible only to NBNC Members. Text posts encouraged by members as commentary.
  • NBN Discovery of the Month: We will try to bring you a new discovery National Bank Note each month. If you have an unreported NBN, that is a) unique for Bank or Town, b) an additional note on a bank with fewer than 3-4 currently reported, c) a rare type or denomination, or d) just a cool find, email us the image and it may turn up as the Discovery of the Month!
  • NBN Weekly/Bi-Weekly: A new eyebrow-raising note each week or so. We encourage members to email us with submissions.
  • Members’ Posting Area: Accessible only to NBNC Members. Start topics and post images.
Note: The posting access (text only versus text and image) is set up very specifically. Only members of NBNC have the ability to post messages. Please do not attempt to post links to images within text messages.

Please be patient, this is a work in progress! Comments or suggestions are always welcome.

aka Godot

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